New Twitter CEO Elon Musk Asks Users If Vine Should be Brought Back in new Tweet

Vine was brought to an end by Twitter

Elon Musk has ascended the throne of Twitter recently and was in the news for firing off the previous CEO and a huge chunk of employees. The Tesla CEO is also stirring the pot of his new venture by sharing his thoughts on the many changes he should make. Among these was asking if he should charge $20 dollars for verified users to keep using their blue check marks, much to the amusement and chagrin of users. But another one was a poll he did on Sunday night. Let’s take a look.

Elon Musk on Vine


Elon Musk posted a poll as a tweet, and all it said was “Bring back Vine?” accompanied by a Y and N. At the time of this writing, a total of 2,408,630 votes have been cast, with 69.5% favoring the return of the app, while 30.5 favoring not to.

For those who are unaware, Vine is sort of like the father of modern short video-sharing platforms like TikTok. Upon its inception in 2013, the app redefined content creation for an entire generation. Despite its immense popularity, Twitter effectively shut it down in 2016 and meant for it to serve as an archive of videos that were already posted, and no longer allowed new uploads. They then shut Vine down for good in April 2019, a time when TikTok and other such apps began to thrive. One of Vine’s co-founders, named Dom Hoffman, launched Byte (currently named Huddles) in 2018, but it never reached Vine’s fame.

Will Elon Musk do it?

Elon Musk

The poll that Elon Musk has posted will be up for 24 hours, meaning it will close by Halloween night. Vine’s popularity means that there will never be enough people to oppose it, and due to the controversy regarding to security that TikTok is facing, it will seem likely for Vine to be brought back.