We are close to getting the Snyder Cut, which promises to rewrite all errors in the 2017 movie
Zack Snyder explains what would’ve happened if his unmade Justice League 2 saw the light of day. This week is special for DC fans as the long-awaited and well-fought-for version of Snyder’s Justice League will be coming to HBO Max. This was the original DCEU team-up film he had in his mind, since Man of Steel released. But following his departure in the middle of production, Warner Bros. brought Joss Whedon to complete the film, but Whedon changed it so much, it looked like a cheap knock-off of The Avengers.
However, Snyder is going to prove that his story was better after fans campaigned for the last 3 years for his version of the movie. We are now getting a 4-hour cut, and would’ve served as the third installment in the director’s five-movie plan.
JL 2 story

While speaking to New York Times, Snyder said that the second movie will follow up on the Knightmare timeline, and would’ve ended up in a massive war involving several armies. Snyder said that Darkseid makes his entry to Earth, and the various armies of Earth, along with Atlanteans and Themyscirans will be joining to fight him.
The first movie is going to have s lot of action, the sequel would’ve gone bigger.
No plans currently

Getting Justice League 2 seems like a pipe dream at present. Some believe that the Snyder Cut’s performance can determine that. But WB executives have interfered too much with Zack in the past, and even though they gave him full control over this movie, it came at the cost of not receiving a paycheck. The studio believes it to be a dead end, but there’s hope among the fans.
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