Sword Art Online: Alicization has finally come back with the second half of the third season, and the intense War of Underworld arc has begun. We saw that the third season of Sword Art Online had put Kirito in a dire situation right from the beginning. Kirito’s body was maintained near the vegetative state, but his mind was till kept brimming with energy because of a recent experiment that has allowed him to jump into a brand new virtual world.
Ever since Kirito has battled with the Administrator, his mental health kept degrading since he was not accustomed to the mental facilities like before. It was officially revealed that after the battle with the Administrator Kirito has failed to connect back to the real world. Following all these events, Kirito has been left without any emotions, along with his ability to speak to anyone.
Now with all these chains of events taking place one after another, Alice has to try her very best to protect Kirito since they are still branded by the Imperial Knights as criminal traitors.
Before season three went life, Kirito was shown to have made a connection to the real world, but it lasted for very little time, and he nearly re-connected with Asuna. At the same time, Rath was being raided, and this has made Kirito lose his connection. This raid has resulted in a disturbance that has put Kirito in the state that he is now in, which slightly resembles coma. Kirito still responds to a few things.
In the state that he is put, Kirito can only eat when he is being fed, and it does seem like he can hear Alice speaking to him. Alice is going to face all the dangers alone as she continues to protect Kirito and still has to figure out what is wrong with him.