People Lashed Out at J.K Rowling for a Transphobic Tweet including Harry Potter Star Daniel Radcliffe who Wrote a Letter Condemning her Statement

The celebrated author lands in controversy once again after making an offensive tweet

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is now facing yet another monster of her own making, after she started receiving hate from regular people as well as people from the LGBTQ community for making a transphobic tweet.

The Tweet

The author shared an article which was titled, “Creating a More Equal Post-Covid-19 World for People Who Menstruate”, which was an article that showed how women in households are similar to health care workers, and that they should use menstrual materials, soaps and other items in a hygienic and effective manner, despite the lockdown.

Rowling wrote under this tweet, “‘People who menstruate’. I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” This statement caused a great uproar in the Twitter community and even Harry Potter lead Daniel Radcliffe responded to it saying, “Transgender women are women.” He went on to continue how not classifying them as women goes against their identity and dignity.

Photo: Getty Images


Radcliffe further apologised to all people who felt that the experienced they gained from reading the books have been tarnished in any way, and that he hopes they don’t start seeing it as anything less greater. We shouldn’t speculate that there’s an argument between the two going on, as Radcliffe still said that he owed it to Rowling for impacting his career so much.

Rowling later said that she supports and respects every transgender person but she still supported her initial statement and said that she wasn’t hating on them, but simply stating the truth. We can only hope that things won’t turn more ugly from here.