Looking for Alaska, the first novel by John Greene tells the heartbreaking yet enthralling story of teenagers. The book has been adopted in movies, and now the TV series version is also here — the eight episodes air on Hulu.
The story revolves around Miles(Charlie Plummer). Since he is fascinated with the last words of people, they form a major part of the series.
Characters breathe life into the series
Alaska(Kristine Froseth) is one of the group members he befriends. The sad, chaotic girl makes a place in his heart. Thus, he falls for her. Her troubled life, views on the world affect the other teenager for his lifetime.
Their friend group comprises of Denny Love as Chip, Sofia Vassilieva as Lara and Jay Lee as Takumi.
Also, the story tries its best to depict the novel accurately. The settings are proof of that. The boarding school is inspired by John Greene’s own experience. Though it looks like a school camp, it matches the novel.
The background is as imagined!
Unlike the high-schools portrayed onscreen, this was relatively real. Though it had beautiful scenes of lakes, rivers, and forests, they are true to the book. This gives the experience to people of the novel.
Not the typical Teenage life
Though teenage life is marked here by sadness, contemplation, discovering oneself. Conversely, mainstream media depicts teenage life as mostly revolving around some other affairs that don’t strike home.
However, unlike the book, the series gives wider shots. Therefore adding a neutral tone to it, and also exploring things outside of Miles’s limited access. Though, it might lead to loss of some of Miles’s thought process.
The dialogues are precise novel driven. Though, this leads to awkward moments where content and context do not match.
With the audience not seeing Alaska from Miles’s viewpoint, the mystery element to her is lost. Also, she is not as goth, badass as the audience wished her in appearance. But losing Miles’s viewpoint has made the feelings of other characters more poignant.
Colonel Miles’s roommate attracts attention. His story is more disclosing. Since he is outside of Miles’s thought, we can see him in all his vulnerability. This makes him one of the best characters. Denny Love has brought his struggles, history with Alaska, and efforts to life.
Takumi is a hip hop lover. He brings all the information to the group. He is a cinnamon roll, and his equation with others is commendable
Miles and Colonel becoming friends is the start point of everything. The group also depicts rivalry with Weekday Warriors. Apparently, their spoon-fed nature is not liked by our protagonist.
The teachers: The Eagle and Professor Hyde are here to just influence Miles enigmatically. There are persons of their own. Resultantly, their characters are dealt with care, tenderness, and reality.
An era forgotten is revitalized
The series is not what you would expect of 2019. It was written in 2005. So, technology plays not many parts of teenagers’ lives. Smoking and drinking are typical, where they escape from reality.
The story is so heartbreaking and connecting that you have to take a moment for yourself. The music is nostalgic, which fills you with longing.
All in all, if you want a slice of real teenage life and the issues, they go through. This is the series you want to see.