Agents of Shield is an American television series, directed by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa, based on the Marvel Comics. The series is produced by ABC Studios, Marvel Television, and Mutant Enemy Productions. Joseph Hill Whedon is an American producer, director, screenwriter, comic book writer, and composer. He is well known for Firefly, Dollhouse, and Agent Of Shield.
Legends of tomorrow is an American superhero television series, directed by Greg Berlanti, Phil Klemmer, Andrew Kreisberg, and Marc Guggenheim. The series aired on January 2016. The series received mostly positive ratings. Viewers have given a positive review as well. The third season got 88% by Rotten Tomatoes.
Agents of Shield has all the character of being Marvel’s version of DC’s Legend of tomorrow. Agents of Shield’s season 6 has just ended up. The next and the final season of Agent of Shield would release next year. The makers have confirmed that it is the final season.
Well, Agents of Shield and Legends of Tomorrow shares a lot of common characters. There are many more similarities between the two. Both of them have team leaders and Martial Arts Experts. They both fought against aliens. In both teams, there is a mixture of females and males. In both, the teams advance technology have been used. A team member betrayed both the teams.
There is nothing wrong in saying that Agents of Shield is just a different version of Legends of Tomorrow. One more season of Agents of Shield is yet to air. Drawing conclusion and relating Agents of Shield and Legends of Tomorrow, after season 7 would be a better thing. Both the series has been loved ad appreciated by fans. Two of them has received a positive review from critics a well.