13 Reasons Why: The Show to Return With its Fourth & Final Season! What are the Most Interesting and Some Uninteresting Aspects of this Youth Drama? Check Out Below.

‘Thirteen Reasons Why’ is a very famous Netflix series, which was released in 2017, and has had a total of 3 seasons till now. The fans are crazy about the season due to its teen drama and mystery plot. Now everyone is awaiting season 4 to launch, which is confirmed will be coming soon. It is going to be the final chapter. 

The official date has been confirmed, and the 4th season will be aired on June 5th. It will be the final goodbye to the series, which is heartbreaking news for the fans. 

For what’s going to happen in season 4, we will have to wait, but however, the cast is going to be the same. 


  • Thirteen reasons why is a series discussing teenage life, which is quite stressful in this 21st century. It provides insight into how teenagers deal with the social pressures from everywhere. 
  • It discusses the very important issues that are not discussed in our society, such as social injustice, sexual assault, bullying, especially online. 
  • It brings forward the topic of suicide, which was not given importance to before. But after the launch of series, all over the world, people are discussing it, and the mental health associations are releasing points to make sure no one drowns into it. 
  • Because of this show, now the world has multiple mental health associations and suicide helplines, which makes people aware of how important it is to have knowledge about these happenings. 


  • According to several sources, the show has not been able to depict suicide the way it should’ve been. Even though it depicts a young teen suicide, it is not portrayed in a good sense. 
  • The most important thing is a mental illness, which they tried to depict but however, could not do it very well. 
  • There has not been any description that suicide can be prevented; the show just focuses on finding clues about why it happened. 
  • Rather than talking about how suicide can affect so many lives, in fact, it has been glamorized. Sources revealed that they are rather trying to romanticize suicides. 

With all its cons and pros, the series could leave a its mark among the audiences especially youth, and will be dearly missed after finale.