Madonna faces criticism for posting a topless selfie on social media: being called too old for nude pictures! Check it out.

The singer who is known for posting unusual stuff online, may have created an outburst in her fans with this

It’s important to express oneself. That was what Madonna did when she posted a topless mirror selfie on Monday, wearing nothing but black underwear and gold bracelets.

We can see that the Crazy for You singer is still using her crutch after her accident in February when she fell during a concert in Paris and injured herself, when she already had to deal with previous knee and hip pain.

Social Media Brutality

Like with any celebrity, there were a few loyal fans who praised the 61-year-old for her bold post, but the other side ganged up saying she was “too old” for such pictures. There were comments saying, “never do this again, you’re tool old for this sh*t” and other even harsher ones saying “is your self esteem that low that you got to take your clothes off and put it on Instagram Madonna you’re rich and famous you have everything but I guess your self esteem is not there.”

There were many criticizing her for using surgery on her face and body as well, as you can see a lot of needle emojis on the comment section.

But for every negative comment, there are some who defended her and told the critics that she’s allowed to live her life the way she wants. But it’s understandable that the singing legend’s posts are quite strange and some speculate that she’s losing touch with her audience.

Her close friend Rosie O’Donnell said as well that the posts she’s been putting up during the quarantine period ha e been “a little weird.”

But the counter argument is that she’s an artist and she’s always done what she wanted without caring about criticism.

