Halloween themed episodes of the animated series THE SIMPSONS, The Simpsons Halloween special also known as Treehouse of Horror. It consists of different, self-contained parts. These parts usually include the family of Simpsons in any supernatural, fictional setting. The first episode of the treehouse of horror series was aired on October 25th, 1990, which was inspired by EC comics horror tales.
The producers thought it should be aged restricted as they felt it was somewhat scary. In the first episode, Marge warns the family with the content of the episode while advising them to put their kids in bed.
Till Vth Treehouse Of Horror episode, the warnings of Marge became a burden to write, so; they dropped it after Treehouse Of Horror V permanently. Some episodes have opened with any parody.
The later episodes of Treehouse Of Horror include the ‘created by’ and ‘developed by’ and the Title. Whereas, the episodes made earlier featured a Halloween themed opening sequence.
Also, the directors decided to give cast and characters some scary names. Well, later, the names became more silly than scary. There were names like BAT GROENING, David²+S²= Cohen².
The Simpsons aired 666th episode. It was the shoe’s 30th annual Halloween special ‘treehouse of horror’ episode. To celebrate the 30 years of Treehouse Of Horror Fox uploaded A special 60-second reel showing beloved Halloween tradition’s history, which was started with a ghoulish episode in which Lisa and Bart share scary stories with each other in the treehouse? In the reel, we can see homer getting abducted by treehouse of horror among the Halloween horror.
In the reel, we can see Bart getting kidnapped by his twin Hugo, Lisa becomes a star of ‘Caroline’ spoof, Kang and Kudos wish for a sandwich with a monkey paw which Is cursed, Mr. Burns hunts the men of Springfield.
Treehouse Of Horror XXX aired Sunday night at 8 pm on FOX