Study at Yale reveals Why Metabolic Activity Decreases with Growing Age; Theories proposed to tackle it!

A new research study by doctors at Yale has found the season behind the increasing obesity with age and how to tackle this

Dr. Vishwa Deep Dixit, who is a Professor of Comparative Medicine and Immunobiology, stated that the metabolic process decreases with an increase in age.

The ability to burn fat to various methods gets more reduced and difficult to achieve as the age ascends.

This inability to burn unwanted fat leads to fat deposition. In his lab research, Dr. Dixit found that immune cells that help in the decomposition of fat called macrophages becomes least functional after getting way older.

Though macrophages are still present in the elderly they become dysfunctional and cannot burn the fat.

Also, in a new study, it has been found that Adipose cells( fat cells) categorized as Adipose B cells are a primary reason behind inflammation, obesity diabetes and also the decline in the rate of metabolism.

Though Adipose B cells are meant to produce antibodies and protect the body from infection, after a certain age limit these too become dysfunctional and promote fat deposition.

Though they are there in the belly fat as fat cells the Adipose B cells have to expand to fight the infection and contract to baseline when done.

This ability of expansion and contraction is reduced in old people and therefore Adipose B cells become a reason behind metabolic diseases.

To tackle this, Dr. Dixit proposed a theory that if this could happen that somehow we can increase the ability of expansion and contraction of fat cells, the life expectancy would increase eventually.

Adipose B cells work on the signals received by neighboring macrophages, so if somehow this signal receiving ability is restricted and Adipose B cells are removed. Then age-induced decline in metabolic health would be reduced.

There are certain drugs like cytokine 1L-1B which protects against heart diseases and various cancer aid therapies which may restrict the ability to receive signals from surrounding macrophages to Adipose B cells, which help in reducing metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes in elderly people.

This theory is a milestone in the science of immunobiology and medicine.