Graphene is made of carbon arranged in a certain pattern that makes it suitable for a certain use. The superconducting quantum interference device or the SQUID is an example of how it behaves when placed in a layer of two and behaves as a superconductor when sandwiched with a layer of boron. The property can then be harnessed for using it for superconductivity or maximum conductivity at zero temperature.

The ability of electrons to travel freely in such an arrangement makes them travel fast and make them conducting as well which is then harnessed for use later. The same device can be used to detect feeble magnetic fields and can be used for the same two properties for several purposes if harnessed properly. However, squids can behave like insulators at the same time while they are used for electrons conduction. This is the property that has caused amazement in the world of science and technology due to its ability to behave as both in one go. However, the physical dimensions of the device are what have kept keen readers intact until now. The size of the device is thinner than a human hair.

Where was this experiment conducted?
The experiment was conducted in the countries in Europe in their advanced laboratories. Graphene could ever be used as a superconductor is what has caused surprise in the world of science and inventions. Physicists and researchers from the laboratories in Switzerland and Italy were involved in the same and have been the keen ones when it comes to explaining the same.n these inventions are the stepping stones in the field of science as more discoveries await the field to ease our understanding in the subject and look at the world with a different eye.