US Elections: Biden is Currently Leading but Trump is Assured of his Big Win – Find out Latest Updates Below

Meanwhile Trump is alleging that fraudulent practices are taking place

The day of the election results are finally upon us. While the ballot counting continues, US President Donald Trump has alleged that there is “fraud” taking place in the elections, and declared himself the winner without paying heed to the claims. Trump was against the mail-in ballots right from the get-go and kept alleging that it was a ploy by the Democrats to steal votes. He even went to the Supreme Court to stop the process of counting mail-in ballots.

The Democrats are not taking kindly to Trump’s allegations and his plans to stop the mail-in ballots. Joe Biden’s campaign manager has called out Trump’s comments as “outrageous, unprecedented and incorrect.” He stated that Trump had previously encouraged the Republicans to prevent counting the ballots legally before Election Day, and now he’s saying that it shouldn’t be counted once Election Day is over.

He continued by saying that every duly cast vote will be counted because that it what the laws that protect the rights of every American states.

Where the candidates have chances of winning

Democratic candidate Joe Biden is confident about winning in Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Currently, Trump holds more votes in Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia, while Biden holds more votes in California, Maine, Washington, Illinois, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia.

Biden is currently in the lead overall with 238 votes while Trump has remained at 213. A candidate will need to reach 270 votes to gain the US presidency. But the issue comes once again in the mail-in ballots. It can take days or maybe even weeks for it to be counted in some states. Therefore it’s unlikely that the winner gets declared today, unless one candidate beats the other by a landslide.