Mass shooting in Ohio in less than 24 hours after Texas shooting !!! 9 dead and many injured!

In a shocking incident, nine people have been killed whereas nearly 26 people have been injured in a mass shooting in Ohio. This was a second mass shooting which took place in less than 24 hours after El Paso attach! The shooter has been killed down by the police officials of Dayton.

The shooter had opened fire in the Oregon District of Ohio, before being shot by the police officials. The incident happened at around 1 a.m. local time. While many were killed and wounded, the sister of the suspect was one of the nine who are dead.

The suspect was identified as a 24-year old boy named Connor Betts. He had made the attack with a 223-caliber rifle. No motive or reason behind the attack has been revealed by the police yet. One of those who were killed was recognized as the suspect’s 22-year old sister, Megan, who was the youngest of all nine victims.

Nan Whaley, Mayor of Dayton

Nan Whaley, Mayor of Dayton, said in her statement that the suspect was wearing body armor and had other high-level magazines. She also said that had the police officials not reacted quickly, hundreds of people would have been dead by now.

The governor has ordered that the flags will be flown at half-mast to express the sadness over the dreadful mass shootings in the United States of America. British Prime Minister, Pope Francis, and people from all over the world expressed their grief over the incident.

Trump tweeted about the incident too.

Earlier a gun firing at Walmart in El Paso took place, leaving 20 people left and many injured. The suspect has been identified as Patrick Crusius. Prosecutors have said that they will seek a death penalty for Crusius. Hispanic immigrants were the motivation behind the attacks said Crusius while he was investigated.