Zacy Synder Might have a Response about Ben Affleck’s Return to Justice League movies?

With Henry Cavill returning as the Man of Steel, fans started speculating whether Affleck will return as well

There is no doubt that Ben Affleck’s performance as the battle-hardened version of the Dark Knight in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice was something straight out of a comic book. His brutal fight style, as well as brooding nature was presented well by Affleck and Zack Snyder was able to show a Batman who had given up home on humanity. And for the first time, it was shown why criminals actually fear the Batman.

Unfortunately, he was made into a mockery in 2017’s Justice League as Warner tried to make them lighter and funnier like the Avengers and failed amazingly at it. Zack Snyder was fired from his role and Joss Whedon was brought in, and the movie was a disaster. The actors did their roles well but there’s only so much they can do. So what’s in the future for Ben’s Batman?

The DCEU’s Future

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First of all, good news for the DCEU fans – we will be getting Zack Snyder’s cut of the Justice League next year, which will be premiering in the newly launched HBO Max. AT&T, WB’s parent company may have given out a possible hint that Affleck might be returning as the batman as they uploaded a short clip of him from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice on their Twitter profile. They captioned it asking who knows what the future holds. This may be a possible hint of his return. It seems like they still want Affleck to return.

Warner Bros is currently making a standalone Batman movie with Robert Pattinson, which will be releasing next year. Let’s hope they don’t interfere too much and let director Matt Reeves do his job.