The British historical period drama Sandition aired the series finale on ITV. The final episode of the season was released on 13th October. The series was adapted from the unfinished novel of Jane Austin. Andrew Davies premiered the series 25th August 2019.
The ending was not good for Charlotte Heywood and Sidney Parker who, after finally admitting their feelings for each other, ended up going separate paths. The final episode was quite an emotional one as the viewers were given last hope for both of them.
The audience was quite unhappy and gave critic response for not having a good and happy ending to the series, some of the viewers pointed out that Austen would never have ended things in a devastated manner.
Several questions and critics got raised by the obsessed fans to the series director Andrew Davies one of them tweeted “Jane Austen would never have written that ending for her heroine. What was Andrew Davies thinking?”.
The continuation of the series “Sandition” has not been confirmed yet, but the viewers are expecting to find for the happy ending in the series if not this season might be later on.