“Bunk’d” is a comedy TV series that premiered on Disney Channel in 2015. This series is a spinoff of another show named ‘Jessie’. The story tells about three children namely Emma, Ravi and Zuri who visit Camp Kikiwaka in summer, where their parents met as teenagers. There, they explore different things and challenges and make new friends. It is one of the best series for Kids and Girls ageing 6 to 11.
Four seasons of this amazing series has already been released. Now it’s the time for the release of the Fifth Season. We will see more fun in the Camp Kikiwaka.
Kory Lunsford, the vice president of Original Series, Disney Channel said that BUNK’D have always been a strong ratings driver for Disney Channel. It is filled with various funny & relatable characters and storyline that continues to resonate with kids. He added, “We’re very excited to embark on a fifth season with Erin and the talented young cast as they head off for another summer at Camp Kikiwaka”.
Is there any release date?
Disney channel recently on February 24 confirmed about the renewal of Season 5. The official date for its premiere is still not disclosed. However, it was told that the production and filming of the new season will begin around the fall of 2020.
Cast and Characters: Who all will return?
The executive producer of Season 4, Erin Dunlap will be returning as a sole showrunner for Season 5.
The main leads of the previous seasons will again be seen. Miranda May as Lou Hockhauser who is the owner of the camp will feature again. In addition, Mallory James as Destiny Baker, Raphael Alejandro as Matteo Silva, Will Buie Jr. as Finn Sawyer and many more will return. According to the sources, all the cast from Season 4 except Scarlett will return.
There are chances for the entry of some new enthusiastic characters.
We will update about the other facts soon.