Twilight Saga Spin-off? What Characters can be Considered for the Next Big Hit? Let’s Find Out.

The Twilight Saga became a cultural phenomenon (along with a billion-dollar franchise), establishing the bright future of female-led movies. Its mythical characters based in the small town of Forks conceived a story rich in mystery, wonder and a lot of steamy romance. It broke several box office records and a lot of hearts when the series ended in 2012.

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There have been talks of spin-offs based on Stephenie Meyer’s several novellas and shorts. But who are the characters that actually deserve their own spin-off? Below are featured some of the most popular characters of the fantastical saga whose storylines are as vivid (if not more) as Mr. and Mrs. Cullen’s.

Jacob Black

Twilight spin-off? Picture: Maverick Films

Team Jacob was left disappointed when Bella made her choice clear when she got back with Edward. But the relationship between Renesmee and Jacob has a lot of potential to be the next blockbuster. Also, it is a bit controversial (Renesmee being Bella’s daughter) but that would probably add to its glamour.

Alice Cullen

Twilight spin-Off? Picture: Maverick Films

Alice is a fan favourite and also a close friend of Bella. Being the bubbly future-seeing vampire she has a lot to unpack as a character. A lot of elements of her past are unknown. Such as who was the one who turned her into a vampire and how did she survive before the Cullens found her in the 1920s.


Twilight spin-off? Picture: Maverick Films

Aro is the perfect choice for exploring the mythology of the Twilight universe. Apparently, he is the most powerful vampire in the world and is the leader of the Volturi (law enforcers of the vampire world). His cunningness and despicability will give rise to interesting situations. His complicated relationships with his brothers Caius and Marcus can be explored too.