The society is an American mystery teen drama web series created by Kristofer Kayser and composed by Daniel Hart. The first season was aired on Netflix on 10th may 2019 which consisted of 10 episodes.
The story follows the life of a group of teenagers who must make their own rules in order to survive. When the bunch of high schoolers return early from their cancelled field trip to their town West Ham, Connecticut only to find that the entire population has been sweeped off, they must learn to run their own community with the outside world appearing to no longer exist.
Kathryn Newton as Allie Pressman
Gideon Adlon as Becca Gelb
Sean Berdy as Sam Eliot
Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Helena
Jacques Colimon as Will LeClair
Olivia DeJonge as Elle Tomkins
Alex Fitzalan as Harry Bingham
Kristine Froseth as Kelly Aldrich
Jose Julian as Gordie
Alexander MacNicoll as Luke
Toby Wallace as Campbell Eliot
Rachel Keller as Cassandra Pressman
Season 2
The arrival of the second season was officially announced just months after the first season was aired on Netflix. Though the exact date has not yet been finalised by the makers of the show, it is expected to release in May just like the first season. The first season ended with a lot of unsolved mysteries which shall now be tackled by the teenagers in the second season.
The cast will pretty much be the same, except the characters who were shown to be dead by the end if the first season i.e. Rachel Keller, Seth Meriwether and Chloe Levine. The new season is expected to show a change in the political system of the town. It is in the news that the story will pick up right where the first season left it, where the teenagers find a new plot of land.