The Secret Romance is over: Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx BROKE UP!

Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx are now done with their relationship. They ended their six-year-old relationship, according to the reports. The most famous secret dating couple who have been dating for a long time but are never seen together in public are not together now, and this is the only valid evidence of their relationship with each other.

According to sources, Oscar Award winner Foxx was seen with singer Sela Valve in a party in Los Angeles and spreading rumours that Foxx was cheating on Holmes. The rumours started the insecurity of trust between the two, and as a consequence, they are now apart. Moreover, the two had already broken up earlier in May this year, and some told this of Holmes friends.

Holmes also had said that whatever Foxx does is his business and she has nothing to do with it, and they have not been together since a couple of months.

It all began with the “Hollywood’s Worst kept secret” which was that Foxx and Holmes began dating in 2013 after Holmes had divorced Tom Cruise. Also, they made their appearance in the pre-Grammy Gala last year. Foxx’s daughter Corrine said that Foxx and Holmes have been great together, but the pieces of evidence of that interview were also mysteriously deleted.

No one knows the exact time or reason for their breakup. Some say that Holmes dumped Foxx while the others say that they had already broken up in May this year earlier. Both of them had been maintaining a low profile for their relationship status, and they never spoke too much to each other in public also.

While Foxx and Valve’s picture on Instagram is a whole new wave to follow up with and Holmes is now busy enjoying her one if the summer’s biggest trends ‘High heeled flip flops’.