The Japanese anime show based on Manga series, Promised Neverland is one among the many popular anime series that the audience wish to return on the television. Writer of the series is Kaiu Shirai and the illustration is done by Posuka Demizu. On 1st August, 2016 the manga got released and it came as an anime series on 11 January, 2019.
Streaming service for the first season was Fuji TV. It had twelve episodes in it. Whereas for the viewers from US the show was telecasted on Aniplus Asia and Adult Swim. Get all the information about The Promised Neverland season 2 below.
AIR Date of the Promised Neverland season 2
Decision for making a second season of the series was made long time ago. Cloverworks, the studio where the show is made has already made an announcement that it’ll be airing in the beginning of 2021. Most probably the fans will get it in January of the next year. However, the exact release date hasn’t been disclosed till now.
The show was supposed to land in October 2020, much before the actual release date. The delay in release is occurring due to the outbreak of COVID-19. There is also a planning going on to release a film based on it. But it’s quite impossible at this time. The film was supposed to release in December 2020. But since there’s a delay in premier of the second season, there will also be a delay in the film too. Thus, nothing can be predicted about the release date from now.
Story of the show is about a small orphan girls named Emma. The story is set in the future in the year 2045. The story revolves around Emma’s life at the orphanage in which she live with thirty seven more kids.