The Magicians is an American fictional television series that is broadcasted on SYFY. It is based on a novel by the same name by Lev Grossman. The executive producers of the show are Michael London, Janice Williams, John McNamara, and Sera Gamble. The first episode of the series premiered on December 16, 2015. All of the seasons received positive ratings. Season 5 is the one that is currently running.
Name of season 5 episode 8
The name of the eight episode of season 5 turns out to be Garden Variety Homicide.
Release date
The episode Garden Variety Homicide will be aired on February 26, 2020 on SYFY network.
The usual cast members will appear in the show including:
Jason Ralph (III)
as Quentin Coldwater
Stella Maeve
as Julia Wicker
Olivia Taylor Dudley
as Alice Quinn
Hale Appleman
as Eliot Waugh
Arjun Gupta
as William “Penny” Adiyodi
Summer Bishil
as Margo Hanson
Jade Tailor
as Kady Orloff-Diaz
Rick Worthy
as Dean Henry Fogg
Felicia Day
as Poppy
Jade Taylor
Camryn Manheim
Judith Hoag
David Call
Lynn Andrews
Mageina Tovah
Tara Karsian
Daniel Nemes
Matthew Kevin Anderson
Gabrielle Miller
Kacey Rohl
Felicia Day
Plot and synopsis
The storyline of the series shows Quentin Coldwater as the lead character. He takes admission in Brakebills University for magical Pedagogy to become a pro magician. There he makes friends with fellow students Alice, Penny, Margo, and Eliot. Slowly and gradually they end up learning that a magical world, which they believed to be fiction, is real and has the potential to be a threat to humanity.
Meanwhile Julia, the childhood friend of Quentin Coldwater, is denied admission in Brakebills university. So she ends up learning magic in her dark and dangerous path.
Episode Garden Variety Homicide will continue upon this plot.
The synopsis: Penny licks an egg. Alice is jealous of a flower.
Wait until the 26th of Feb to know what exactly happens.