B: The Beginning is an original net animated anime series. The series is written by Katsuya Ishida and directed by Kazuto Nakazawa and Yoshiki Yamakawa and produced by Production IG.
The series first premiered on 2 March 2018 on Netflix worldwide. Now the series has been renewed for its second season
B: The Beginning season2: Plot Details
The story is all about the fictional, advanced nation of Cremona. There is the main character in the series who is anonymous “Killer B” who has thrown the city into the chaos. Other main characters are Koku (The protagonist) Keith (a legendry investigator of the royal investigation service, RIS, and an ominous organization as well).
The story revolves around the two characters who are Keith and Koku. Keith is a genius investigator and he is brought in to look into the misdeeds of a serial killer known as Killer B. Koku is a young man seemingly extraterrestrial who is looking for his lost partner.
What happened in Season 1?
We have seen in the last episode of the series as a complete story but it was also seen that Koku and Keith’s main goal has not completed. So it means we will see them again in the next season.
B: The Beginning: Characters
The series has many characters as there are on;y two main characters in the series. All of the characters are listed below:
- Keith Kazama Flick
- Koku
- Lily Hoshina
- Eric Toga
- Boris Meier
- Brian Brandon
B: The Begining: Release Date
Although the series is confirmed for the second season there is no official date revealed by Netflix for B: The Beginning season2. If there are any announcements or release, we will update it here.