One Man Punch is an animated show, which is based in China and Japan. The show is quite popular. It is now ended with a season 2. But there are rumors that season 3 will also be released. But it is not so sure. There was a huge gap when season 2 was released. Season 1 and season 2 had a lot of gaps. So most people think that season 3 will also take time to be out.
The news is to let season 3 be out by 2020. But there is a different opinion on it. It is also said that it might only be by half of 2020, or even maybe it will go to an extent 2021, it is not sure completely. Anyhow, hopefully, it will be out soon because all the fans are waiting for it to air soon.
Season 3 will probably be full of actions, but there will be humor also. The creators are working really hard to set things straight. Also, there is pressure from fans also. They also want season 3 to come soon. They do not want to wait long as they did for season 2.
The show is quite a popular one because of which there are lots and lots of audiences to it. Many fans are dying to have season 3 out already. But planning and everything is still yet to be done. It is going on, so there is not exactly a surety of when the new season will be out. Hopefully, soon by 2020, so that audiences can watch it as a new year plan. It could be out by that time.
But the chances are very low because it is not started at all. Season 3 has to start, so with that, the releasing will be by half of 2020. A date is not even announced. Some of the news even says that there might not be even a season 3. But many fans want it and are eager for season 3.