OMG!!! Ryan Reynolds Sings Birthday Song for Hugh Jackman!!! See his Hilarious Birthday Wishes for the Wolverine Star…

Hollywood Actor Ryan Reynolds sang a birthday song for his Australian actor Hugh Jackman, who celebrated his 51st birthday.

The 42-year-old Canadian actor posted a picture on his Instagram wishing Hugh Jackman Happy Birthday putting a cake sticker over the Wolverine star’s face.

Hugh also re-posted that birthday wishing photo of Ryan’s with an animation of Judge Judy Sheindlin rolling her eyes on top of Ryans’ face.

Ryan Reynolds sang the birthday song in a quite high-pitched and cheeky way. Hugh wrote in his social media “At first I thought -Ugh, now I have to actually apologize. But then,” alongside a clip of Ryan.

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At first I thought – Ugh, now I have to actually apologize. But then …

A post shared by Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman) on

In the video Ryan told “Hello Hugh, I was just going to wish you a happy birthday… and then I saw what you said in a word… hurtful, enjoy the show… Hugh Jackman”. After that Ryan started singing Happy Birthday.

At last, Ryan ended the video by saying “And I’m not f**king professionally trained you, Jackman, you piece of shit.”

Beside all these things Hugh thanked all his fans for sending him birthday messages, by posting a picture and holding a cupcake with the caption “Thank you for all the awesome birthday messages”.