Hollywood Sex Therapist Amie Harwick dead: ex boyfriend arrested. Is it suicide or murder? Check out fr more details.

Amie Harwick, the famous hollywood sex therapist, died at a hospital on Saturday. The 38 year old therapist was declared dead at 1:15 a.m. in the 2000 block of Mounds Street hospital. The Police Department of Los Angeles revealed this news.

Her dead body was found under a third-floor balcony at her home in Hollywood Hills on saturday. The investigators suspected her ex-boyfriend of the murder and he has been taked into custody now. The investigators announced this in sunday.

Harwick’s ex- boyfriend, Gareth Pursehouse is 41 years old. He is from Playa Del Rey. The police has suspected him for being guilty of her murder. Or they feel some connection between him and her murder. But there’s no confirmation about it yet. The investigation is still going on.

A woman saw the dead body first. She got afraid and was heard screaming. This dragged everyone’s attention. Then police came to that place and investigated the area. LAPD officials gave a written statement about this news.

Later the police disclosed to the media that they encountered a man in the street. He informed the officers that his roommate was assaulted inside her room. The case became more clear after this news. But no strong evidence has been found against Harwick’s ex-boyfriend. He even told that she tried to escape from that place and run for help but failed.

The New Sex Bible for Women is one of the most popular books of Harwick. She has also appeared in the documentary ‘Addicted to Sexting’. She got engaged to Carey (Price Is Right host) in 2018 but they got separated soon. Pursehouse is an employee in a computer industry. He is held in lieu for pending a court appearance with $2 million.