Dwayne Johnson’s Ex-Wife Dany Garcia Makes A Comeback To Bodybuilding So Fans Want To Know Will “The Rock” Also Return To Wrestling? 

Dwayne Johnson is one of the few wrestlers who has successfully transitioned to Hollywood. Johnson became famous as The Rock on WWE first. And we have to thank a particular person for his fame. 

It is none other than his ex-wife Dany Garcia. The two met in college and fell in love. Garcia became his girlfriend as well as manager for most of Johnson’s professional wrestling career. And even though the two split way back in 2008, they still remain close friends. 

Which is why Dwayne Johnson took to social media to congratulate her recently. Dany Garcia is returning to bodybuilding this year, and The Rock couldn’t be prouder. In an Instagram post, he congratulated her on her official return to the sport. 

Garcia made her comeback to the International Federation of Bodybuilding stage last month in September. But now the question arises, will Dwayne Johnson follow her footsteps? As in, will the actor make his return to the world of wrestling? 

Judging by his response to Randy Orton, it’s a no. The two third-generation wrestling superstars have never been in a one-on-one match. This is because The Rock retired way back in 2004 when Orton was still a rising star. But now, after winning the WWE world championship 13 times, Orton is challenging Johnson. 

In a series of tweets, Orton or ‘The Viper’ challenged Johnson to a match in WrestleMania. The Jumanji actor is already slated to appear in Smackdown on Friday, so it will be the perfect chance for both stars to wrestle it out. However, Johnson has gently turned down the challenge. 

This denial is mainly because of a grave injury he suffered after his last fight with John Cena. This abdominal wound caused the actor to miss many of his important shoots. And he probably can’t risk that again.  

But we are still hoping he takes the risk!