A new “corrected” clip has been shared by Dwayne Johnson
The DCEU briefly had a slight Vietnam War-like flashback of their most problematic year yesterday. It happened when a new Black Adam trailer was shared by star Dwayne Johnson. Before showing clips from the movie, WB included short clips from the movies so far, such as Aquaman, Birds of Prey, and Batman v Superman. Among these was a split-second clip of Joss Whedon’s notorious Justice League.
Black Adam In The DCEU

Ever since Johnson was cast as Black Adam, he had been asked numerous times about joining the established heroes. He even joked about clashing with Superman. Despite everyone existing in the same universe, we still haven’t seen all the characters from the 2017 movie reunited. The Snyder Cut was released on HBO Max in 2021, but WB still considers Whedon’s version as the main canon. Meanwhile, Snyder’s 4-hour version exists in a separate continuity.
WB has reaffirmed that Whedon’s is the main canon by including a brief clip of Steppenwolf bringing his axe down and causing destruction. In the Snyder Cut, Darkseid – or Uxas as he went by during that era had done it while on a mission to find the Anti-Life Equation on Earth.
Correcting An Error

It was strange why WB decides to use a clip from Whedon’s movie on the Black Adam trailer, given that it was such a disaster. The director was also accused of creating a toxic workplace by multiple actors. Even directors like Patty Jenkins has criticized Whedon’s version.
Either way, Johnson heard the people and so did Warner Bros. They pulled the trailer back and a few hours later, uploaded a new one, with Johnson captioning it “Corrected.” With all these changes made, one can hope that WB will go away from Whedon’s version as well.
Check out the final clip from Black Adam, in theatres worldwide on October 21.
Corrected 👊🏾
Long before the world of heroes and villans, #BlackAdam ruled it all.
A god with zero mercy and power born from rage.
The #ManInBlack hits theaters worldwide…
OCTOBER 21 🌎@SevenBucksProd @DCComics @wbpictures pic.twitter.com/KmNPDOk3Cx
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) September 22, 2022