A woman at Bronx Zoo shown her definition of courage and brave by simply crossing the barrier and visited a lion!!

Recently, a woman has pulled off a dangerous stunt by stepping into a lion enclosure.

The authority of the Bronx Zoo says that the woman who has purposefully trespassed inside the zoo’s lion enclosure on Saturday has put herself in serious danger.

Image: Non-Perele

A spokesperson from the Bronx zoo said that this action was a violation of the zoo rules, and the unlawful trespass could have resulted in a serious injury or even death. The woman has climbed over the visitor’s safety barrier at an African lion exhibit.

The woman moreover was seen waving her hand and dancing inside the barrier as if taunting the lion to move closer to her in a video that has surfaced from a bystander at the exhibit.

In the video that was posted on Instagram, the woman does not seem to appear concerned or scared at the proximity between the lion and herself, even though the lion seems to have taken a few small steps towards her. From the video, we can all listen to the bystanders, including children of very young age could be heard in the background.

Detective Sophia Mason from the New York Police Department has informed the CNN that they have received no calls to 911 and that no arrests were made so far. Detective Sophia Mason said that they were notified on Tuesday about this incident, three days after the incident took place.

Reportedly by the news from NYPD, the authority from the Bronx Zoo has cased a complaint on the woman for trespassing.

It is still unclear to the NYPD officers and the authorities of the Bronx Zoo as to how the woman has crossed the barrier and for how long she had stayed inside the enclosure. But neither the lion nor the woman was injured in this incident.

The Bronx Zoo has said that the barriers were provided to keep the visitors and the animals safe.