Outch!! Ohh Peter!! Breaking hearts everyday??? Short summary of “The Bachelor” 2020.

It’s time for some recap people, as this season’s recap is not going to be something you want to miss as, through each and every episode, Peter is choosing his soul-mate from the 13 girls who were there at first.

But after a couple of episodes, it cuts down to six. The action starts in Chile, where all six of them have a meeting, and Hannah gets the upper hand by Peter to spend the day. The gang decided that as there was a lot of drama and then Mykenna’s crying. A lot!

After Peter and Hannah’s departure, the girls are there getting interviewed by the show makers where they are saying stuff which, if Hannah dares to listen, then her ears are surely going to bleed.

Yet, those harsh comments were not able to stop those love birds.

And as these lovebirds are there roaming around, others are getting jealous of her and Mykenna as per usual crying as her chances are pretty low for being his love partner after the Rose Ceremony’s feud and all that drama.

The couple went to a lot of places together and also asked for some advice on love and the other things which the experienced couple answer in a very witty manner and after their long stroll both meet at the diner for their date.

At the date, Peter asks her indirectly whether this relationship has any future to which Hannah wasn’t able to answer in a convincing way, but after a while, when Peter excused himself, Hannah went back to him and told her that she is in love.

And with the show’s going on, it seems that Victoria F. is going to be the next one who is going to have a one-on-one date as the letter has finally arrived at her doorstep and with that it left us with a hell lot of suspense and Mykenna’s crying.