It is a great news for the loneliest rescue dog in U.K. The cute ans poor dog, Doris the lurcher, is 13 years old and is finding a loving home finally. That is indeed a good news for her. Doris had a pretty bad luck in her life. She has been taken into the home care, that is, shelter for about four times in the last six years now.
Now her owner has fallen ill due to cancer and due to this she needed a owner soon. But she was having bad luck and was in the shelter home for a while. Her first owner later gave the dog back to shelter because they could not look after her due to them having kids and all. Then next owner passed away so again to shelter. The process went on and on again. Finally it came to a permanent end.
There were news on giving Doris to a good and caring owner. So a lady so that and cane forward and brought her for forever. But the person does not wish to reveal her identity. But Doris has gotten herself a good owner because the lady is well experienced in taking care of dogs, especially sheltered one. She has good experience in her past. So this is a good news for Doris because then they do not need to worry about all of that and could easily give Doris without having a worry if she would be safe under the hands of the new lady, who does not wish to reveal her identity.
Well new year has been good and good luck has come to Doris. Hopefully more towards the future this good luck would stay with her and that she would never ever have return back to the shelter home ever again.