“The Lost Boys,” one of the most iconic vampire films of 1980, which was one of its best decade vampire cinema, still holds its fan base for many people. Recently the horrifying vampire character Kiefer Sutherland revealed while speaking with yahoo about the deleted scenes, which included crazy violent stuff. Sharing the complete details about the deleted scenes which were unknown, he said those scenes were very much terrifying and violent to watch at first go.
He talks about the character of David in one of the scenes where the vampires attack the unsuspected surfers at the beach where they kill humans brutally. In his part, he was asked to eat one of the surfer’s heads, in which they made a prosthetic cast in his head, and the vampire was literally asked to act of eating the whole back of the guy’s head while they pictured the blood sprinkling and spilling everywhere. He said his director asked him to enjoy the scene like a child who’s happy to have a full cake in one bite, by the time they could get a perfect shot of scary and frightening vampire.
He also adds up, saying that he was really expecting that scene to make up in the movie until his director Joel Schumacher decided to cut it off. It really was one of those craziest shot which he himself couldn’t believe of shooting for a movie.
The next thing which he talks about is the cool character and the soundtrack.
Cool character: as it is a horror movie, it gives a lot of inspiration during Halloween times where people are no step behind in imitating the scariest characters. One of their favorites is, of course, the character of David, other than that the frog brothers are also one of the preferred. Sutherland himself admits the character of David being the coolest, as he says his director asked him to have a log and white hairs to get a thousand years look. He said he looked like a wrestler in his David character.
Soundtrack: According to Sutherland the soundtrack used at the time was one of the innovative things which were used in their movie for the first time .he personally felt the music worked as a partner in getting the feel of every moment and that it helped a lot in making the movie a great film.
Lastly, it’d be considered as our bad luck of not having the opportunity to watch one of the thrilling scenes which somehow couldn’t make its position in the film. The way Sutherland described the scary scene, I guess it would’ve been the most exciting thing to watch. Since there’s no DVD or directors cut and nothing that the actor is aware of, we hope to see the same scene directed in some other film.