Away season 1: this fantastic space drama is all set to premiere very soon! Check out the release date, cast, plot and more.

How does Christmas in space feel like?

In episode 5 of AWAY, it’s Christmas time but things are of course different for the Atlas crew as they are millions of miles away from their families. In this, they are dealt a rough hand as they will have to make their final calls to their families as they will soon be losing service and can communicate only through text or email.

Emma, Lu, Ram, Kwesi, and Misha are given different stakes and they have to make their goodbyes different.

How do they deal with it?

First comes Lu, who does not seem worried during her last video call with her husband and son. She did not contact Mei as she did not want to put the mission in trouble by being overly emotional to the woman she has feelings for. She decides to put the mission to Mars before her personal priorities.

Kwesi also did not show a lot of emotions while talking to his mother for the final time. But he has bigger problems as the skin from his sole peeled off. His anxiety about space just kept increasing from there on. We might learn more about him soon enough, but we do know his anxiety plays a big role.

Ram has nobody to say goodbye to, but he’s still dealing with the aftermath of his illness. After his feelings for Emma becomes quite clear, Emma maintains a distance from him. Ram sees this, but pretends she was mistaken as he always puts his friends first and suffer in silence.

Misha is dealing with his rapidly deteriorating vision and how it’s going to affect his work. His strained relationship with his daughter was also brought out.

Meanwhile Emma is not on speaking terms with Lex and is in denial about being away from her family for two years. Her top priority is her family, so we can see some of this coming in the way of her work.



(Cover: Netflix)