World Trigger Season 3 Episode 14 Delayed
World Trigger Season 3 is underway. While the fans were eagerly waiting for its finale episode, they were stunned to hear the news of the delay in the last episode of season 3 i.e. episode 14.
Episode 14 was scheduled to air on Jan 15 but this unexpected delay put the season on hold until further announcement.
The delay was announced via a Twitter account. A Twitter statement said World Trigger Episode 14 which was scheduled to air has been postponed. New dates will be announced soon on Twitter and on the official site of the anime.

Reasons of Delay
The known reason for the delay in the previous episode is that the show timetable was shifted to the coverage of the tsunami that was caused by the sudden eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano. The volcano erupted in the Pacific Ocean, putting Japan’s southern coast on high alert.
本日放送を予定していた『ワールドトリガー』第14話は休止となりました。今後のことは決まり次第アニメ公式Twitter及びホームページでお知らせいたします。#ワールドトリガー— ワールドトリガー アニメ公式 毎週土曜深夜1:30より3rdシーズン放送中 (@Anime_W_Trigger) January 15, 2022
It is possible episode 14 will get air next week. But as no official announcement is made, fans have to wait longer to know what will be the finale of Season 3. As the new dates are not out, we would only hope it to drop soon.

Will There Be Season 4?
World Trigger third season premiered in October 2021. The Season 3 finale was about to come to its ending and we were about to find out the fate of the characters and what would have paved the way for the next season. But since the final episode is unexpectedly delayed, we’ll have to wait a bit longer to know the Season 3 ending.
However, Toei Animation hasn’t renewed Season 4 yet. Considering its popularity, we expect the studio to confirm its next season soon