Win Butler of Arcade Fire Accused for Sexual Assault & Misconduct for Four Women. Full Story Below

Win Butler charged with sexual assault Four charges of sexual assault against Win Butler, the band’s leader, have been made by much younger Arcade Fire followers. The claims were made public on Saturday in a shocking new Pitchfork investigation.

For the story, four ladies who all used aliases were interviewed. They interacted with Butler when they were between the ages of 18 and 23. He ranged in age from 36 to 39.

Win Butler

One of the ladies allegedly made an overdose of medications in an attempt at suicide after one of the claimed instances of wrongdoing.

Pitchfork reports that family interviews and an examination of Butler’s texts and social media posts were used to support the alleged victims’ statements.

Win Butler, 42, has been wed to vocalist Regine Chassange of Arcade Fire since 2003. In 2001, they came together to form the band. Together, the couple has a son.

According to the Pitchfork article, Win Butler interacted with women between 2016 and 2020, while he was between the ages of 36 and 39.

Except for one, every woman who was questioned adored Arcade Fire. According to one report, Win Butler touched a 21-year-old woman while they were in a car together.

Win Butler

The woman, who addresses herself with the pronouns they/them, claimed that Butler had previously dropped by their house unannounced. They claim Butler forcedfully and repeatedly tried to start a sexual relationship.

Additionally, they claimed that Win Butler chastised them for turning him down. He thought my behavior was odd, therefore perhaps I was at fault, they said to Pitchfork.

Another lady who claimed to have met Win Butler when she was 18 after photographing him at a charity basketball tournament and sharing it on Instagram. The musician contacted her over social media as a result.

She claims that Win Butler co-owned a pub where he took her out and made her inebriated. She then told Pitchfork that Butler had been berating her for sending sexual text messages nonstop.

Later, she claims Win Butler gave her images of his genitalia without her permission. She was devastated, a buddy is cited by Pitchfork as saying.

Win Butler refutes the claims

However, Win Butler’s version is different; he claims that before heading out for drinks, the two were sexting. He claims that despite the teen’s advances, he felt uncomfortable and sent her home in a cab.

Although the kid admits to drinking, she told Pitchfork, “That’s simply not who I am.”

Win Butler
Marc Hogan

Under the aliases Sarah and Fiona, two additional women told Pitchfork about a “strikingly similar set of purported requests” put forth by Butler.

He basically exploited her as his personal therapist and as a convenient way to have sex over the phone, according to Sarah. He would simply end the FaceTimes and hang up. Every day after she did it, she felt nauseous.

Butler explained his infidelity in a statement to the website as the result of a depressive episode for which he was using alcohol as self-medication.

In a statement, Butler said: “I have engaged in consensual relationships outside of marriage. This cannot be said simply.

Around this time, Sarah’s mother claimed to have seen a noticeable shift in her daughter, noting that Sarah had stopped talking about Arcade Fire, buying their new album, or attending their concerts.

They started sexting and talking a lot, Butler recalled of his interactions with Sarah. But he felt increasingly uncomfortable when she started going to all my DJ events and showing up to my restaurant several times, to the point he had to alert security to make sure she didn’t come too near.

Following some texting in Vancouver prior to the band’s concert there, Fiona claimed that she did have sex with Butler.

She claimed that she used painkillers to try suicide after the encounter. The cost of having to keep everything a secret, continuously putting my needs second to his, a lack of boundaries, and the guilt of being the other woman, according to Fiona, became too great to bear.

According to a remark from Butler in the article, he was taken aback when Fiona later admitted to him that their interaction had been extremely taxing for her.

Butler explained his infidelity in a statement to the website as the result of a depressive episode for which he was using alcohol as self-medication. The lead singer claimed that his wife’s miscarriage was a contributing factor in the sadness.

His wife knew that their relationship had been “more unusual than some,” he claimed.