Elon Musk’s return at Twitter
Elon musk the world’s richest man has completed his $44 billion takeover of Twitter, in a court filing with the United States Government.

Recently social media app Twitter did a court filling against Elon Musk and after two months of legal warnings, the issue between them was solved. On 27 October, Thursday Mr. Musk finalized his deal and purchased the social media app Twitter.
As Elon Musk has taken control of Twitter, he fired the chief executive officer Parag Aggarwal and policy chief Vijaya Gadde, Musk changed many rules and policies of the largest social media platform Twitter.
Elon Musk’s issues with Twitter
Elon Musk decided to buy twitter, because he wanted the social media app to do its job better and promote free speech. Musk Strike a deal offer to twitter, of buying the company for $54.20 a share-roughly $44 billion in total, and the app’s CEO agreed to his deal.

Later Elon Musk take his steps back and tried to cut off the $44 billion deal of purchasing the app Twitter, the CEO of social media app did a court filling against him at US government. Musk said that the Executive officer mislead him and didn’t aware him about the spam accounts on the app.
Elon Musk Vs Twitter
On Thursday Elon Musk posted a tweet on twitter “bird is freed” after $44 billion deal. After the ownership of twitter musk fired the four executives of the company, The chief executive Parag Aggarwal, The chief financial officer Ned Sehgal, the top legal and policy executive Vijaya Gadde and the General counsel Sean Edgett.

After firing the CEO Musk publicly accused Parag Aggarwal of misleading him on the numbers of spam bot accounts. Earlier this week Musk changed his twitter profile to “chief Twit“, He also posted a video of himself on twitter walking into Twitter’s headquarters carrying a kitchen sink with a caption “let that sink in!”