The franchise recently celebrated 30 successful years
Sailor Moon is one of the longest-running shojo mangas to exist. Known as Bishōjo Senshi Sērā Mūn, the franchise was written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi in 1991. The series began serialization in Nakayoshi, a popular weekly magazine. It follows a schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino. She gets granted superpowers and transforms into Sailor Moon to locate for the “Legendary Silver Crystal.” And now, the series is coming to an end, right after crossing the 30-year mark.
The End of Sailor Moon
Being one of the longest-running series, Sailor Moon had amassed a massive number of followers, with millions of manga sales. So it is a cause of sadness for the fans. In a special program to celebrate the 30th anniversary, it was announced that the series will end with a two-part movie. Titled, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos the Movie, the entire Shadow Galactica arc from the manga will be adapted.
The movies will be directed by Tomoya Takahashi, while the scripts are penned by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu. Toei Animation will be producing the movies. Official posters were unveiled by Toei and Kodansha, and presented via Crunchyroll as well.
Release Date and Premiere
The previous movies to come from the franchise were Pretty Guardians Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie. The movie, along with the last three seasons of Sailor Moon Crystal premiered on Netflix. So soon after the theatrical release, we can expect the new movies to release on the streaming service as well.
As for the release date, Part 1 will release in early summer 2023, while Part 2 will release in late 2023. Look forward to the grand finale.
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