Research studies reveal Unhealthy Lifestyle leading to Imbalance in Gut Microbiota causes Colo-rectal Cancer!

Colon cancer also called colorectal cancer is cancer if colon or rectum, which is situated just above the anal canal in the lower portion of the digestive system. CRC or colorectal cancer is considered to be third most frequently diagnosed cancer worldwide.

Research studies have demonstrated that an imbalance in gut microbiome which is known as ‘dysbiosis’, is a reason behind the onset of colon cancer.

The tests were done on 1,000 of individuals and ice by transplanting faecal flora from patients into them which led to epigenetic changes leading to a phenomenon related to dysbiosis. Which proved that imbalance in gut microbiota leads to cancer.

The causation of cancer is still unknown but genetic and environmental factors are considered to be one reason behind it. Though only 25% of CRC cases are hereditary.

Researchers said that the change in unhealthy lifestyle promotes gut imbalance, like improper intake of diet, consumption of red meat and animal fat in inappropriate proportions and consumption of less fibre.

structure of the lower digestive system showing the location of rectum/colon

Since the colon is a part of waste excretion system through digestive processes, it is home to several microorganisms. About 10^13 bacteria are present in adults and the rest portion if large intestine.

During the first decade of life, the gut microbiota undergoes various changes in its composition.

Bacteria like Clostridium septicum, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus bovis, Bacteroides fragilis, Helicobacter pylori, Escherichia coli and Fusobacterium spp.  are some enlisted bacteria which cause pathogenesis in the rectum.

Streptococcus gallolyticus have recorded to promote 5% of the tumour to colon and other portions of the system.

Intestinal inflammation as observed in IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) is considered as a risk causing factor in the development of CRC.

Therefore the conclusion to above research and related theories is that the Research which showed the role of gut microbiota in the occurrence of CRC is clear and true in all aspects which would help doctors to find the aid to the colon cancer whose cause till date wasn’t defined.