California probation officer ‘kills herself and two children’ after shooting her husband!

California probation officer ‘kills herself and two children’ after shooting her husband and barricading herself in a five-hour police standoff. The shocking incidents took place on Sunday. First, the police received a call from a man. The husband called 911 as help because he was bleeding. The people upon reaching the house took the husband to the hospital. He was injured and unconscious.

Then upon further looking, they found a woman and two children, who were in elementary school and a teenager. The woman who was a probation officer was the one accused. She was charged for shooting her husband. But there was a stand-off between the police and the woman for about five hours.

The news was not to be made public and all because of personal family issues. But the news was just a sad ending. Even though the husband called and asked for help, it was not fully possible. Also, there was a gun present in the conversation.

The news was such a sad one for all of the people who have heard of it, even the poor neighbors. The woman has a teenage girl and an elementary schoolboy. Even though it was a piece of bad news and that the husband got hit, there was much news that they were arguing. The argument which in turn left to a heated argument and everything. This made the incident in creating a shocking and sadful one for the people around.

Anyways now soon everyone can hope that everything would be solved and much worse would not happen again. The woman might have done to for some or the other reason. The reasons were not fully understood. Hopefully, soon it will be out and justice can be given out correctly and accordingly. Then there would not be a problem again like this.