Leonid Meteor will be on Peak on 17th or 18th November, 2020. Read More About the Phenomenon Below

Leonids are mostly active during November. It is this time of the year when you can observe the Leonid meteor if you are genuinely a sky lover. October, November and December are the months of the year when you can observe beautiful meteors if you have proper equipment. Well, combing back to the topic, Leonid meteor usually peaks around 17th or 18th November. There are many interesting facts cover below which cover deep details about Leonids.

Why November meteor shower is it called Leonid?

The Leonid meteor shower is called Leonid because they are radiant in nature. Other main reason the shower is named as Leonid is because they appear to emerge from constellation Leo.

Is it possible to see Leonid with naked eyes?

A BIG FAT-YES!!! Yes, you can watch Leonid meteor shower with naked eyes. All you need is some patience and a clear sky(which is really not in your hands). However, a handy Interactive Meteor shower sky map is necessary. Follow below given tips if you want to watch the meteor shower properly.

  1. Most importantly find a place where you can spot a clear sky away from city lights. After that make yourself comfortable against the sky.
  2. Since “patience” is mandatory that is you will have to be well prepared. Therefore, take a blanket, water and eatables so that you can enjoy the meteor shower.
  3. Once you have found a perfect space, lie down and just look towards the sky in the direction of radiant. Use an interactive meteor shower map or table above to spot accurate radiant direction.

So over all watching a Leonid meteor shower is not that tough but all you should have some basic knowledge about how to watch it.