USA Elections: In amid of USA elections, Twitter kept on flagging Trump’s Tweets – Is it the Fear of Loss or Desperation?

In middle of United States elections Trump made some tweets saying that he is about to announce something big. This is not first time when Trump made things weird using twitter. Earlier, there was also news where it was allegedly said that even White House do not take his tweets seriously. Anyways, coming up to current controversy, Twitter has flagged some of his tweets.

Why would Twitter block tweets by USA President?

As we all know, Twitter is never partial and give equal treatment to everyone whos ever violates their policies.

Around 11:15 in the morning of 4th November, 2020 he tweeted which said he will be making a statement tonight.

Around 11:19 in the morning four minutes after his previous tweet he made another tweet which was flagged by Twitter. In the policies violating tweet Trump said that they (referring to Joe Biden) are trying to steal election but they cannot do that after the Polls are closed. In fact, Trump was so much into the tweet that he also did a spelling mistake (he wrote poles instead of polls) and then deleted the misspelled tweet.

Moreover, Trump is afraid that Biden is stealing the votes and elections are getting unfair.  Around 8:34 PM of 4th November, 2020 he again tweeted that last night he was wining and was ahead in maximum states but in the morning everything started disappearing magically which is very strange. However, Twitter again flagged this tweet for violating policies.

At last, around 9:05 PM he finally said on Twitter “WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT” . Matt Walsh replied to it and said that this is reason enough to go to court for an unfair election. Well, this tweet was again flagged by Twitter. One of the Twitter user replied to his tweet that America is sick of his lies and cheating.