Tales of Arise: Interested in action role playing games? Check out all the details you need to know about this video game.

Popularity of the video games involving the concept of role-playing have increased now a days. Thus, several game developers are making games regarding that only. One of the best role-playing games since the last 20 years is Tales.


The game was first launched in 1995. It was brought to us by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Since then many versions of the game has been released and now one more of it is on way. Name of the new version is Tales of Arise. It will release in 2020.

You can avail the game on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows. We do have a trailer for the game however, the release date has not been mentioned in it. But you do not need to wait long, the game will soon be available in the market. However, it will have to face tough competition from several other major games such as Call of Duty, Warlords, etc.


Therefore, we expect the game’s arrival after there’s a bit fall in the hype of these major games. All the versions of the game have one similarity, that is, it’s in a story format and so will be the upcoming one even. There’s no exception to it regarding this.

The plot is basically about a dual worlds being extremely different from one another. Names of these two worlds are Dahna and Rena. Dahna is a bit underdeveloped on the other hand, Rena has all the latest technology and advancement in it. Due to this Rena enslaves the citizens of Dahna.


Alphen from Dahna always keeps his face covered with an iron mask. His memory associates has been lost by him with Shionne of Rena. Shionne on the other hand is cursed by “Thorns”. Everyone she touches will get pain. Both of them team up to defeat Rena. The producer of the game is Yusuke Tomizava.