House of cards is a Netflix original political drama starring Robin Wright as President Claire Underwood, Michael Kelly, Jayne Atkinson, Patricia Clarkson, Constance Zimmer, Derek Cecil, Campbell Scott, and Cody Fern.
The season started six started with an introduction of the siblings, who seems to have a complicated past with the Underwoods and Annette’s son Duncan, a rising DC power player. House of Cards is the first show which was produced by the streaming service.
The house of cards first season went on air in February 2013 and the show successfully gathered a lot many subscribers. There has been an announcement by the Netflix regarding the sixth season being the final season of this political drama, the exact reason behind this is still unknown but according to sources, this news came when an article was published in which actor Anthony Rapp alleged that Spacey tried to have sex with him at a party earlier when Rapp was 14-years-old. This seems to reduce the momentum this drama gained over some time, Spacey’s exit from the show created a lot of complications.
House of Cards season 6 somehow managed to pivot from the direction that was showcased by the end of the fifth season. The sixth edition began with Frank Underwood already dead and Claire dealing with some new enemies and Robin Wright’s Claire Underwood steps into the lead as the new President of United States – who might be even more ruthless than her late husband.
When it comes to series revivals, it always remains a mystery. Netflix has revived a lot many cancelled TV shows, However, it seems a bit impossible to expect House of cards’ revival and this depicts that President Claire Hale’s rule will be everlasting. Ain’t it a nightmare?