A Japanese drama, Rising of the Shield Hero is based on a novel authored by Aneko Yusagi. The first season premiered in 2019 and the second will be followed soon. the series was appreciated when it got premiered in season 1 and the publicity of the show becomes the reason for its renewal for another season. Fans have a lot to look up to from the upcoming season and the thrill of the series would be felt in the upcoming season.
The cast
The second season will host the same faces and roles that the first one did. Raphtalia, Naofumi, and Filo are the characters that will be returning in the latest season.
When will the second season release?
As of yet, nothing can be said with assurance as per the condition prevailing. The trailer hasn’t been released due to the same fact. Nearly every sector of the economy has been ruptured due to the pandemic that the world faces and soon will the season be released for a watch by the fans who awaited the series.
The plot
The show is revolved around the character named Naofumi Iwatani who is destined to be the world hero with his skills and knowledge. The same reason becomes the reason for him being summoned by a parallel world. He has only one weapon with him with the help of which he would leave on an expedition to conquer the whole world. The second season will be the same as the first season stopped. The expedition will be continued uninterrupted and would be shown in the 2nd season as well.
Hold onto your seats to see how the character can use the limited weapon with him to meet his end goals and prove to be the ruler of the world.