What is the story behind the anime series ‘Akame ga Kill!’ Season 1? Check out all details, cast, plot, latest updates.

Akame ga Kill! created by Takahiro is a Japenese manga series. This series has released its Season 1 back in 2014. It has a total of 24 episodes. The critics have rated this series averagely. IMDb has given a rating of 7.9 out of 10 whereas MyAnimeList has given a score of 7.7/10 to Season 1. According to the reviews of people, this series is not as good Game of Thrones but still it is a pretty decent thing to watch.


There are different characters in Season 1. Some of the major characters whose voice has been used are mentioned below:

Sōma Saitō as Tatsumi, Sora Amamiya as Akame, Yukari Tamura as Mine, Yu Asakawa as Leone, Mamiko Noto as Sheele and many more.


The whole story of ‘Akame ga Kill!’ revolves around a boy named Tatsumi. Tatsumi, is a young villager who along with his 2 childhood friends sets off to the Capital in search of a means to make money. He wanted to help his poverty stricken village to overcome through such conditions. He was separated from his friends in a bandit attack and was unsuccessful to get enrolled in the army.

After some time, Tatsumi was taken in by a noble family. He was attacked by an assassin group named ‘Night Raid’ and learns that the noble hosts actually wanted to torture and kill him like his friends. He got to know that the Capital is badly corrupted and hence he joined the ‘Night Raid’ in order to eradicate corruption from the Capital.

At the end, we saw that Akame defeated the Empire. As the battle ends, Prime Minister is trying to escape. Mine after being recovered gave birth to their child also.

This is the series all about. There are chances that we might see a Season 2 of this manga series soon.