Trump advocate Kid Rock smashes Taylor Swift with sexist comment on twitter

Taylor Swift’s new cover and interview for the vague magazine came out this Wednesday. In the interview, she talked about her political views. However, some people didn’t like her interview so much including “Bawitdaba” rapper Kid Rock. The trump advocate Kid Rock went on to twitter on Friday and smashed Swift for her interview.

Kid Rock tweet:
Kid Rock tweeted that Taylor Swift wants to be a democrat because she wants to be in movies. He also made a sexist, crude reference to oral sex. Although it’s not new for Rock to be in headlines for passing crude comments. In November 2018 he called, The View’s Joy Behar a bitch.

Taylor’s interview
In the interview with Vague magazine, Taylor talked about how and why she became so politically engaged recently. She also stated the reason for which she was quiet in the 2016 elections. Other than this she referenced, Trump’s candidacy in the 2016 elections and talked about the criticism she faced in 2016.

Taylor’s supporters
After Kid Rock’s crude and sexist comment, many actors, models, and musicians went on to twitter and smashed Rock. Patton Oswalt, Chrissy Teigen, Sheryl Crow, Michael Kelly, Adam best were among those to call out rock for the sexist comment. The reporter and columnist Josh Moon wrote that Taylor swift’s net worth is $400 million and she doesn’t need to fake political position to further her career.