The Punisher is a web television series, based on the Marvel Comics and the creator is ‘Steve Lightfoot’. The story is about ‘Castle Frank’ who is saving a girl from being murdered, forcing him to decide if he should embrace his life as a punisher.
A month after the first season was released, the next season of’ The Punisher’ was planned in December 2017, The season with 13 episodes was released on 18 February 2018.
Release date of season 3
The fans are disappointed because Netflix has canceled Punisher’s new season, even after two successful seasons of the series. Now the question in everyone’s mind is why the series has been canceled.
The reason behind this is that the series was a Disney show that they produced in partnership with Netflix but Disney now has its own streaming services. So it’s collaboration came to the end and many shows to be canceled. But we are hoping that Netflix will restart the popular show by the end. The officials have not confirmed anything yet.
The cast of the series
Since it is not confirmed yet whether the show will return or not, there is no cast list released. But the main cast is bound to return. We can expect to see Jon Bernthal in the titular role of The Punisher, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, as David Lieberman, Ben Barnes, as Billy Russon, and Amber Rose Revah as Dinah Madani.
Plot of the show
Netflix has not confirmed yet if The Punisher will be revived or not for another season. But if the show comes back, we can see Frank Castle using deadly methods to combat crimes and punishing the wrongdoers. Stick around for further updates about the web series.