“The Crown” Won’t Film Heartbreaking Car Crash of Princess Diana
Netflix’s series “The Crown” will not recreate heartbreaking Car crash accident of Princess Diana which ended her life. The show is shooting its sixth season which might end the series.

the creator of “The Crown” previously confirmed that season 5 would be the last, but the Netflix series will return soon with its sixth season.
The Crown
Historical drama television series created and written by Peter Morgan, produced by left bank pictures and Sony pictures television for Netflix. The Drama is developed from film The queen (2006) and The Audience (2013, the Crown portrayed the life of the Royal Family of England. it was originally released on 4 November 2016 on Netflix.

The series has been praised for its acting, directing, writing, cinematography and production values, and has received many awards and nominations.
It won all seven drama categories at the 73rd primetime Emmy Awards in 2021, becoming the first show to sweep major drama categories.
It also won Best Television series twice, at the 74th and 78th Golden Globe Awards and Outstanding performance by an Ensemble in Drama series at the 26th and 27th Screen Actors Guild Awards.
Recreation of Car Crash Accident of Princess Diana
Car crash which ended life of Beloved Princess Diana, Netflix Drama series “The Crown” won’t even film it. Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed died on August 31,1997 in a car crash at the Pont de I’ Alma tunnel in Paris, Henry Paul drove the vehicle. Al Fayed and Paul died at the scene, while Diana was rescued but died hours later from her injuries.

Emmy-Winning drama series’s production was “on edge” over recreating the death scene of Princess Diana.
Season 5 of the series will be available starting November 9 on Netflix.