Japanese light novel adapted anime series, Sword Art Online has now become a new sensation between anime fans. Reki Kawahara has written the novel.
The series is based on how technology has become dangerously advanced and even became lethal. Hundreds of players join the game and get trapped as the game doesn’t allow players to pause or quit the game. Things happening inside the game will mysteriously happen in the world too.
Kirito, the lead male character of anime, who was a beta tester for the game, is better than others. Hence, he decided to take responsibility for saving everyone. His journey is full of victories, and life lessons, which is shown in the anime.
Sword Art Online has millions of fans in Japan, and across the globe. Nineteen million copies of the series has been sold worldwide so far.
We have a good, as well as bad news for you. The good news is, Sword art online is renewed for its next season! And the bad news is, fans may have to wait for a longer time to get 4th season.
Part 2 of the third season, titled ‘War of Underworld’ is been delayed from April 2020 to July 2020 due to coronavirus outbreak. Hence, there is no sign of season 4 yet.
The voice actors for season 3 may reappear in the upcoming season.
Yoshitugu Matsouka (Kirito)
Haruka Tomatsu (Asuna)
Nobunaga Shimazaki (Eugeo)
Ai Kayano (Alice Schuberg)
If we talk about the trailer, there is no confirmation about the trailer release from the team. Hope we would not have to wait long for the next season.
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