Scott Disick brings his dream pool in Beaverly Hills!

Scott Disick, the ex-boyfriend of Kourtney Kardashian, is renovating his personal space, gets his pool a modern touch.

The real estate professional who is all into luxury home innovations made the time to renovate his personal space. Recently, his mansion had a pool dug inside its boundaries. His Beverly Hills home revealed a rectangular hollow space located at the edge of the home. The interior designer, Willia Ford was given a tour of Scott’s terrace to take a look of the pool as according to him, his house “would be such a different world” when the hollow cavity gets filled. The earlier pool has kidney-shaped. Willia helped Scott to find the best-suited materials for his dream pool, like the ones he witnessed in Bali. The tiles lining the pool were selected to be deep turquoise. The pavement was to have slate-colored ones. The edges of the pool were planned to be ‘zero-edged’ meaning that the sides would be seamless, letting the water to spill out of the lake.

The idea described by Scott was that “So when you see it, it looks like a floating piece of glass….. so it looks like all the water’s spilling off into the mountainside”. A busy and speedy team of contractors along with Willia and Scott started to bring the latter’s thoughts alive. The 50-foot pool was exactly how Scott wanted it to be, which even had a hot tub area at one of its corners that added a cherry on the level of luxury.

The finishing of the construction followed a celebration at Scott’s place, primarily by the poolside and raising of a toast with the words “Job well done!”.

The party continued as Lindsay Diamond, one of the guests and Scott’s colleague at Flip It Like Disick (others included Benny Luciano and Kozette Luciano, from the same television series) was tossed into the waters of the newly made pool. Scott and Benny did the honors, the latter almost slipping round the edges of the pool.