The Apprentice is a reality game show which is broadcasted by BBC since 2005. The show has broadcasted 15 series till 2019. There are all total 196 episodes, including 26 specials in it. The show focuses on a group of people related to a business competing with each other to prove them worthy of a prize offered by the business entrepreneur Alan Sugar.
Is the Bridge Cafe in the Apprentice Series Real?
For the last eight seasons, the reality game show of Alan Sugar depicts a cafe where the candidates go to discuss their failed tasks and argue with each other. Ever wondered if the cafe is real or just a part of the show? The Bridge Cafe also is known as the Losers Cafe, aka Cafe of the Shame from the Apprentice series, does exist in reality, which is situated in West London.
It is a traditional cafe which is in business 52 years ago. The cafe is located in Westfields Rd, London W3, OAP, and is owned by Frank and Gerry. It is a very simple cafe with tiled walls and bars on the window. It has also now become a tourist destination where many people go to take selfies.
Is Food Good?
The cafe is open from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 2:30 pm. This conventional cafe has also got a 4.6 rating in Google and 4.5 out of 5 in the TripAdvisor score. Many people who visited the cafe have given great reviews on it. One can easily go to visit the cafe and have a good breakfast or brunch. The food is very healthy, and the bacon is also good there. The prices of the foods are also very cheap and low, which is very easily affordable.
Hence the cafe can be visited very much by everyone who is in London or is visiting nearby any place where the cafe is located and a fan of the Apprentice show.